Stress Management Advice from Our Lithonia Chiropractor

Stress Management Advice from Our Lithonia Chiropractor

Any holiday can bring both happiness and pain, no matter how determined you are to make the day in question "perfect" for everyone. Here at Full Body Rejuvenation Center, we want you to feel good every day of the year, including those stressful holidays. Here are some insights from our Lithonia chiropractor on how you can ease your stress and optimize your physical wellness.

How Holiday Stress Can Cause Pain and Vice Versa

Holidays only come once a year, so you may feel extra pressure to make those days as special as possible. As a result, you may take an extraordinary number of tasks upon yourself, causing an overwhelmed feeling, anxiety, and even depression. These feelings create muscular tension and spasms, which in turn may add aches and pains to your list of holiday woes. The reverse may also be true.  An untreated spinal misalignment or nerve impingement may be causing your body to operate less than efficiently. This may cause you to feel that much less able to handle a stressful holiday. In fact, the combination of stress and an impaired nervous (and immune system) may cause you to spend the holiday sick.

Smart Behaviors for a Healthier Holiday

There are several things you can do to get a handle on your holiday stress before the holiday even arrives. Planning ahead and taking care of tasks well in advance can help you stay organized, allowing you to check items off of your to-do list at your leisure. Scheduling regular breaks for exercise, yoga, meditation, and other relaxing activities can help you keep holiday stress at bay. Eating balanced, nutritious meals and getting plenty of sleep will help your mind and body handle whatever stress you do have more easily.

Chiropractic Treatment as a Stress Management Strategy

One of the most sensible things you can do to control the effects of holiday stress on your life is to remove any impediments to your health beforehand. Chiropractic treatment to correct a spinal misalignment, for example, can help banish musculoskeletal aches and pains that might make your holiday more stressful. It can also help ensure that your nervous system and immune system are operating at full strength, giving you the energy and feeling of well-being you need to make it through the holiday in style.

Learn More from Our Chiropractic Clinic

Whatever holiday you're planning on celebrating, make it a healthier and more enjoyable one. Call Full Body Rejuvenation Center at (770) 733-1381 to schedule a consultation and/or treatment. We'll give you something to celebrate simply by making you feel better!


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