Common Questions about Knee Pain Relief

At Full Body Rejuvenation Center in Lithonia, we offer natural chiropractic treatments for alleviating pain and discomfort from musculoskeletal injuries, such as knee pain. Knee pain can keep you from living the lifestyle you enjoy most. The following FAQs from your Lithonia chiropractor can help you learn more about knee pain causes, symptoms and treatments.

What’s Causing My Knee Pain?

Various factors can lead to knee pain and discomfort. Here are just a few:

  • Muscle strain, bursitis, and tendonitis are common sources of knee pain

  • Sudden, twisting movements can damage ligaments or other connective tissue in your knees, causing swelling and pain

  • Osteoarthritis can cause inflamed joints or a breakdown in cartilage which will cause pain

  • Nerve compression in your spine can lead to pain in your knees

  • Runner's knee (wear and tear of underside of the kneecap)

  • Dashboard knee (blunt force of the knee on the dashboard of your car, causing tissue damage and pain)

Who’s at Greatest Risk of Getting Knee Pain?

Anyone can suffer from knee pain. However, athletes are at the greatest risk of knee pain due to sports injuries. Athletes are also more aggressive in their movements when playing sports, putting more pressure on knee joints when jumping, running, pivoting, etc. This can weaken or damage joints, causing pain. If you’re overweight, you’re also more prone to knee pain due to excess weight on your knee joints.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help with Knee Pain Relief?

Your chiropractor in Lithonia has ample experience treating knee pain with chiropractic care. Your chiropractor may recommend rehab exercises to strengthen your knee muscles, reduce inflammation and restore flexibility. Chiropractic techniques like adjustments can relieve knee pain caused by compressed spinal nerves. Acupuncture can help reduce muscle tension and increase blood flow to injured areas to reduce pain and expedite healing. Cold laser therapy can help accelerate the healing of connective tissues in your knee by stimulating cellular growth.   

See Your Lithonia Chiropractor for Knee Pain Treatment

If knee pain is interfering with your daily living, contact Full Body Rejuvenation Center in Lithonia at 770-733-1381 today for knee pain relief.


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