Back To School

Back To School: Neck, Back, and Shoulder Pains With Full Body Rejuvenation Center In Lithonia, GA

When back to school time occurs, so does the possibility of shoulder pain from carrying books, neck pain from straining to read materials or look at electronic devices, and back pain from using heavy backpacks. If you are a high school or college student who is suffering from pain as a result of daily activities, making an appointment with our chiropractor at Full Body Rejuvenation Center in Lithonia is an option when aches arise. Here is some information about how school activities can cause pain to occur and how you can properly remediate them.

Try To Keep Backpacks Light

Many find that wearing backpacks each day to hold school materials can lead to neck and back pain very easily from excessive weight. If you use a locker at school, map out your schedule so you can stop at it frequently to drop off and pick up materials as necessary. Refrain from keeping too many books in your backpack at any given time. An alternate solution is to find out if books are online or if a teacher will allow for them to be kept in the classroom instead of being toted back and forth.

Avoid Neck Pain With Proper Actions

If you constantly look down to look up information on a cell phone or tablet, the possibility of contracting neck pain is very high. Limit your electronic device usage if possible. If electronic devices are constantly needed to do your school work, invest in a holder to keep the device at eye-level when it is used. 

Think About Potential Shoulder Pain

Make sure that any bag you use to carry books is not too heavy for your shoulder to handle. When picking out backpacks, select one with adequate cushioning for the shoulders. Even weight distribution is a must, so do not use your bag slung across one shoulder but rather keep it centered along your back to avoid shoulder pain.

Contact The Full Body Rejuvenation Center In Lithonia, GA Today

If you are dealing with pain, visiting our chiropractor at Full Body Rejuvenation Center in Lithonia is beneficial. Contact us at (770) 733-1381 to schedule an appointment today. We look forward to hearing from you soon and help to alleviate your pain.


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