Do You Have Back Pain After Working In Your Yard In Lithonia, GA?

Do You Have Back Pain After Working In Your Yard In Lithonia, GA?

You finally have the energy and the time to tackle your yard. Yards require a lot of work, whether you pull weeds, rake leaves, pick up sticks, cut wood, push-mow your lawn, spread mulch, plant flowers or dig holes for trees and bushes, your body feels the effort. Back pain from yard work may slow down your progress or limit your mobility the next day. Dr. Smith, our personal injury chiropractor in Lithonia, does not want you to enter wake up in the morning with back pain or neck pain from yard work. She can calm the discomfort from back pain for the residents Lithonia and those who live in the surrounding areas. The sooner you visit Full Body Rejuvenation Center, the faster your back pain disappears to prepare you for the next round of yard work.Family in Lithonia, GA  playing with their kid after doing yard work

Back Pain and Neck Pain Relief with Dr. Smith

Dr. Smith offers a variety of techniques to sooth your back and neck pain from all the hard yard work. Most likely, the cause of your discomfort is overuse. Your muscles are complaining because you have not worked this hard in the yard since last season. However here is some other common causes of neck and back pain from yard work that we address at Full Body Rejuvenation Center include:

  • Muscle Soreness- Hours in the yard lead to sore muscles. If you have worked your muscles past their breaking point, you may feel pain and discomfort similar to what you experience after a heavy strength-training workout. If muscle soreness is the cause of your back pain and neck pain, we offer cryotherapy to help reduce inflammation and eliminate your discomfort. 

  • Muscle Strain- A muscle strain is a slight tear in the muscle or connective tissue. This pain is slightly worse than muscle soreness and takes longer to heal. Our chiropractic adjustments ensure that your spine is in the best position to reduce strain on the muscles. A properly aligned spine also promotes healing by improving circulation to the muscles. Also, our therapeutic ultrasound stimulates healing in the deep layers of the muscle. 

  • Disc Herniation- If you lift something heavy without protecting your back, the force may cause your disc to herniate, or slip out of the protective space between the vertebrae.  This can cause pressure on the nerves which gives you pain. Our mechanical traction helps to position your spine into the best alignment to reduce pressure on the nerves. 

  • Spinal Conditions- If you have an existing back condition such as scoliosis, yard work may increase your discomfort. Our chiropractor positions your spine into a comfortable way to alleviate your pain. We also offer electrical muscle stimulation to teach your muscles how to support a healthy alignment.

Do not let back pain from yard work interfere with the rest of your week. Call us today at 770-733-1381 for relief or to learn about our new client special. 


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